Local Groups in Keymer
Sometimes a local group is all you need to seek advice, meet new faces, learn a new skill, or simply join in with your community for a sense of belonging.
Our Never Alone programme is designed to provide support for loneliness and other emotional and practical needs plus promote general wellbeing. We have recommendations to local groups who may be able to help you. Finding the right one that meets your needs or interests can be very fulfilling and truly boost your mood.
If you have a local group you would like to add to the listing below, please submit your details via the Google form here.

Friendly, welcoming social groups can be relaxed and informal and offer the chance to chat and build new friendships.
We recommend local social groups and clubs for women and men which provide entertainment, conversation and a range of social activities.

Out and About
This group enjoys trips by coach to places and events of interest throughout the year. Details of forthcoming visits are posted or emailed to members as they become available. There is a small fee to cover printing and postage costs.

This group enjoys trips by coach to places and events of interest throughout the year. Details of forthcoming visits are posted or emailed to members as they become available. There is a small fee to cover printing and postage costs.
Out and About

Coffee Club and Book Swap
Currently we meet at The Dorset on the 3rd Tuesday at 11am. Join in any time in the hour to meet lots of friendly faces. Come along and join your friends and have a coffee and a chat and bring any books you are willing to swap. Contact the group leader for further information.

Currently we meet at The Dorset on the 3rd Tuesday at 11am. Join in any time in the hour to meet lots of friendly faces. Come along and join your friends and have a coffee and a chat and bring any books you are willing to swap. Contact the group leader for further information.
Coffee Club and Book Swap

Arts & Crafts
Would you like to get stuck in with an arts project or learn a new craft?
There is so much choice when it comes to arts clubs from painting to pottery making.
We can help you find the best group for you.

Outdoor Sketching
Every 4 weeks on Tuesday at 11am. The course will involve a sketching session at varied outside locations in Lewes, but we will arrange outings to nearby galleries and museums in accessible towns to sketch and to see exhibitions. Members are informed by email the week before. If you wish to join this group, please contact the Group Leader. There is no limit on numbers.

Every 4 weeks on Tuesday at 11am. The course will involve a sketching session at varied outside locations in Lewes, but we will arrange outings to nearby galleries and museums in accessible towns to sketch and to see exhibitions. Members are informed by email the week before. If you wish to join this group, please contact the Group Leader. There is no limit on numbers.
Outdoor Sketching

Walking is a popular choice both for relaxation and fitness. If you would like to get outside a little more, it can quickly become an enjoyable activity, and there are many groups in your area who would love you to join them for beautiful country walks.

Historic Guided Walks
Weekly on Thursday at 10am. Lewes Guided Walks are offering a series of Walks. There is a limit of 10 people per walk – on a first come first served basis. The walks are free but you must be a member of the Lewes u3a. Walks last about 90mins.

Weekly on Thursday at 10am. Lewes Guided Walks are offering a series of Walks. There is a limit of 10 people per walk – on a first come first served basis. The walks are free but you must be a member of the Lewes u3a. Walks last about 90mins.
Historic Guided Walks

Sussex History Walking Group
Taking place on the 2nd Thursday at 10am at various locations. Members joining the group will be asked to research, plan and lead a walk once a year. Walks will be between 1-5 miles and can be local, in a town or the country and the walk leader will need to have tested the walk beforehand. Examples of suitable walks are: Balcombe, Tide Mills or Lewes to Offham. For some walks, a car will be necessary.

Taking place on the 2nd Thursday at 10am at various locations. Members joining the group will be asked to research, plan and lead a walk once a year. Walks will be between 1-5 miles and can be local, in a town or the country and the walk leader will need to have tested the walk beforehand. Examples of suitable walks are: Balcombe, Tide Mills or Lewes to Offham. For some walks, a car will be necessary.
Sussex History Walking Group

If you are interested in meeting fellow bookworms, there are reading groups in most towns for friendly discussions and thought-provoking debates. We can help pinpoint the perfect book group for you in your area.

Book Circle Group
The Book Circle is a friendly, informal book discussion group. We meet monthly, on the second Thursday of each month, with the exception of July, August and December. We choose books to discuss a book from suggestions made within the group, with the discussion of a book being introduced by the member suggesting it. We aim to choose books that are readily available in paperback and from libraries.

The Book Circle is a friendly, informal book discussion group. We meet monthly, on the second Thursday of each month, with the exception of July, August and December. We choose books to discuss a book from suggestions made within the group, with the discussion of a book being introduced by the member suggesting it. We aim to choose books that are readily available in paperback and from libraries.
Book Circle Group

German Book Group
Last Tuesday at 2pm at the House of Friendship meeting room. Attendance fee is £6. Each month the German Language Book Group will read and discuss a novel, play or short stories in German, so a reasonable level of fluency is required.

Last Tuesday at 2pm at the House of Friendship meeting room. Attendance fee is £6. Each month the German Language Book Group will read and discuss a novel, play or short stories in German, so a reasonable level of fluency is required.
German Book Group

Having a wide choice of groups to pick up an old hobby or start a new one can be a wonderful way to meet new people with a similar interest to you.
We recommend local groups and clubs ranging from chess, bridge, poker, bingo, knitting, to bowls.

Bird Watching
Taking place on the 3rd Thursday at various times and venues. The Bird Watching group meets at various venues throughout Sussex alternating visits to local sites with outings further afield around the county. This gives us the opportunity to take advantage of Autumn and Spring migrations and to visit a variety of habitats favorable to different species.

Taking place on the 3rd Thursday at various times and venues. The Bird Watching group meets at various venues throughout Sussex alternating visits to local sites with outings further afield around the county. This gives us the opportunity to take advantage of Autumn and Spring migrations and to visit a variety of habitats favorable to different species.
Bird Watching
Creative Writing Group
Wednesday Fortnightly at 10am. Calling all prospective writers! For some inspiring ideas to get your creative juices flowing, come and join the Creative Writing Group. Here we learn various techniques, such as dialogue, description, plot and point of view, to bring our stories alive in a friendly atmosphere.
Each fortnight we complete a 1000-word story for homework which we share with the group for supportive criticism. We then indulge in some short fiction writing exercises to get our imaginations going, which can be challenging at times! We also explore autobiography, travel writing and poetry. We welcome newcomers and experienced writers alike. Maximum number: 8
Wednesday Fortnightly at 10am. Calling all prospective writers! For some inspiring ideas to get your creative juices flowing, come and join the Creative Writing Group. Here we learn various techniques, such as dialogue, description, plot and point of view, to bring our stories alive in a friendly atmosphere.
Each fortnight we complete a 1000-word story for homework which we share with the group for supportive criticism. We then indulge in some short fiction writing exercises to get our imaginations going, which can be challenging at times! We also explore autobiography, travel writing and poetry. We welcome newcomers and experienced writers alike. Maximum number: 8
Creative Writing Group

Music & Theatre
Would you like to join an amateur dramatics group or a choir?
Exploring music can be good for the soul. You can join music appreciation classes or join the church choir. Dancing is also a wonderful way to meet new people and have fun.

Theatre Group
The theatre group attends live matinee performances at a variety of venues. We travel by coach or minibus, depending on numbers. If you wish to join the group, please contact the convener via the website. There is no fee. There is no need to re-join the group if you are already a member.

Patricia Williams - The theatre group attends live matinee performances at a variety of venues. We travel by coach or minibus, depending on numbers. If you wish to join the group, please contact the convener via the website. There is no fee. There is no need to re-join the group if you are already a member.
Theatre Group

Listening to Musicals
Fortnightly on Weds at 2pm at Town Hall Yarrow Room. Attendance fee of £10. Listening to Musicals presents you the opportunity to relax and enjoy music and songs from a variety of different musicals. The format is to present music and songs from four different musicals each session.

Fortnightly on Weds at 2pm at Town Hall Yarrow Room. Attendance fee of £10. Listening to Musicals presents you the opportunity to relax and enjoy music and songs from a variety of different musicals. The format is to present music and songs from four different musicals each session.