Local Groups in Newhaven
Sometimes a local group is all you need to seek advice, meet new faces, learn a new skill, or simply join in with your community for a sense of belonging.
Our Never Alone programme is designed to provide support for loneliness and other emotional and practical needs plus promote general wellbeing. We have recommendations to local groups who may be able to help you. Finding the right one that meets your needs or interests can be very fulfilling and truly boost your mood.
If you have a local group you would like to add to the listing below, please submit your details via the Google form here.

Friendly, welcoming social groups can be relaxed and informal and offer the chance to chat and build new friendships.
We recommend local social groups and clubs for women and men which provide entertainment, conversation and a range of social activities.

Women's Group
Seaford Parish Women’s Group meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday evening in St Luke’s Church at 7.30pm. We have a varied programme of a Speaker once a month and an in-house event such as a board games, craft or a favourite topic.

Seaford Parish Women’s Group meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday evening in St Luke’s Church at 7.30pm. We have a varied programme of a Speaker once a month and an in-house event such as a board games, craft or a favourite topic.
Women's Group
St.Luke’s Church Walmer Road Seaford BN25 3TH

What's the News?
This new topical discussions group will be held at the St James's trust ground floor room, on a Monday from 2pm-4pm. The group will meet every two weeks.

This new topical discussions group will be held at the St James's trust ground floor room, on a Monday from 2pm-4pm. The group will meet every two weeks.
What's the News?
Call: Christine on 07946 312058

Arts & Crafts
Would you like to get stuck in with an arts project or learn a new craft?
There is so much choice when it comes to arts clubs from painting to pottery making.
We can help you find the best group for you.

Art Club
For artists and would-be artists who want to paint or draw in a relaxing and sociable atmosphere. No formal tuition – we share our experience and tips with each other. Supply your own materials. When: Fortnightly on Friday from 2pm to 4 pm. Where: St James' Trust.

For artists and would-be artists who want to paint or draw in a relaxing and sociable atmosphere. No formal tuition – we share our experience and tips with each other. Supply your own materials. When: Fortnightly on Friday from 2pm to 4 pm. Where: St James' Trust.
Art Club
Call: Clare Craig on 01323 897939

Walking is a popular choice both for relaxation and fitness. If you would like to get outside a little more, it can quickly become an enjoyable activity, and there are many groups in your area who would love you to join them for beautiful country walks.

Walking Group
A friendly group of able walkers - 3 to 5 km walks When: 1st Tuesday of the month.

A friendly group of able walkers - 3 to 5 km walks When: 1st Tuesday of the month.
Walking Group
Call: Pauline Steele on 01323 895 150

If you are interested in meeting fellow bookworms, there are reading groups in most towns for friendly discussions and thought-provoking debates. We can help pinpoint the perfect book group for you in your area.

Thursday Book Club
We all get a chance to choose a book and are a very friendly bunch. When: Monthly Thursdays from 3:45 pm ongoing. Where: Meet in each other's homes.

We all get a chance to choose a book and are a very friendly bunch. When: Monthly Thursdays from 3:45 pm ongoing. Where: Meet in each other's homes.
Thursday Book Club
Call: Maggie McLean on 07831 385353

Creative Writing
A light hearted approach to writing stories, poems and recording memories. When: Fortnightly Tuesdays from 2:30 pm.

A light hearted approach to writing stories, poems and recording memories. When: Fortnightly Tuesdays from 2:30 pm.
Creative Writing
Call: Shirley Wallas on 01323 892 456

Having a wide choice of groups to pick up an old hobby or start a new one can be a wonderful way to meet new people with a similar interest to you.
We recommend local groups and clubs ranging from chess, bridge, poker, bingo, knitting, to bowls.

Are you a logophile? Join our friendly group to play the popular word game of Scrabble. All abilities welcome. Where: Constitutional Club, Committee Room Cost: £12 for 6 sessions

Are you a logophile? Join our friendly group to play the popular word game of Scrabble. All abilities welcome. Where: Constitutional Club, Committee Room Cost: £12 for 6 sessions

Music & Theatre
Would you like to join an amateur dramatics group or a choir?
Exploring music can be good for the soul. You can join music appreciation classes or join the church choir. Dancing is also a wonderful way to meet new people and have fun.

Opera Appreciation
“Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice!” So come and enjoy Opera: not elitist, not expensive, reading music not essential, ears are. When: Fortnightly Mondays 10 to 12 am. Where: Chyngton Methodist Church Cost: £12 for 6 sessions.

“Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice!” So come and enjoy Opera: not elitist, not expensive, reading music not essential, ears are. When: Fortnightly Mondays 10 to 12 am. Where: Chyngton Methodist Church Cost: £12 for 6 sessions.
Opera Appreciation
Call: John A Cremona on 01273 575 209
Delight in Words
Look for poems and short prose readings around given themes, and meet to share them. Enjoy old favourites and discover new delights!
Look for poems and short prose readings around given themes, and meet to share them. Enjoy old favourites and discover new delights!
Delight in Words
Call: Eleanor-Ann Jury on 01323 898 505