Local Groups in Baldock
Sometimes a local group is all you need to seek advice, meet new faces, learn a new skill, or simply join in with your community for a sense of belonging.
Our Never Alone programme is designed to provide support for loneliness and other emotional and practical needs plus promote general wellbeing. We have recommendations to local groups who may be able to help you. Finding the right one that meets your needs or interests can be very fulfilling and truly boost your mood.
If you have a local group you would like to add to the listing below, please submit your details via the Google form here.

Friendly, welcoming social groups can be relaxed and informal and offer the chance to chat and build new friendships.
We recommend local social groups and clubs for women and men which provide entertainment, conversation and a range of social activities.

Men in Sheds
Letchworth Men's Shed is a community based organisation that provides a safe and supportive space for people to come together and combat loneliness, isolation, and mental health issues.
Anyone in the Letchworth or surrounding areas looking to connect with others and improve their wellbeing is welcome to come along. The shed is equipped with tools and resources, and the charity is run by volunteers and funded through donations and grants.

Letchworth Men's Shed is a community based organisation that provides a safe and supportive space for people to come together and combat loneliness, isolation, and mental health issues.
Anyone in the Letchworth or surrounding areas looking to connect with others and improve their wellbeing is welcome to come along. The shed is equipped with tools and resources, and the charity is run by volunteers and funded through donations and grants.
Men in Sheds
Letchworth Men in Sheds Standalone Farm Wilbury Rd Letchworth Garden City SG6 4JN
Email: https://www.letchworthshed.org...
Website: https://www.letchworthshed.org...

Arts & Crafts
Would you like to get stuck in with an arts project or learn a new craft?
There is so much choice when it comes to arts clubs from painting to pottery making. We can help you find the best group for you.

Messy Church
Fun for all the family with crafts, short worship and a hot meal at St Mary's Church, Baldock from 11.30am until 1pm in the church hall. All are welcome. Book your place by emailing messychurchbaldock@gmail.com

Fun for all the family with crafts, short worship and a hot meal at St Mary's Church, Baldock from 11.30am until 1pm in the church hall. All are welcome. Book your place by emailing messychurchbaldock@gmail.com
Messy Church
St Mary the Virgin
Church Street

Open to all, drop in, bring your current project & have a chat over a cuppa. Come along and say hello, it's free to attend but donations are welcome. Taking place every Tuesday at 10.30am to 12.30pm at Baldock Library.

Open to all, drop in, bring your current project & have a chat over a cuppa. Come along and say hello, it's free to attend but donations are welcome. Taking place every Tuesday at 10.30am to 12.30pm at Baldock Library.
Baldock Library Simpson Drive Baldock Hertfordshire SG7 6DH
Phone: 0300 123 4049
Website: https://www.hertfordshire.gov....

Walking is a popular choice both for relaxation and fitness. If you would like to get outside a little more, it can quickly become an enjoyable activity, and there are many groups in your area who would love you to join them for beautiful country walks.

Health Walks
Do you want to include more walking in your day? If so, join one of our free, friendly and safe Health Walks. All walks are free with no booking required. Just turn up at least 10 mins before the start time shown. Here is a timetable with the local groups

Do you want to include more walking in your day? If so, join one of our free, friendly and safe Health Walks. All walks are free with no booking required. Just turn up at least 10 mins before the start time shown. Here is a timetable with the local groups
Health Walks
Phone: 01992 555888
Email: healthwalks.cms@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Website: https://www.hertfordshire.gov....
Baldock Walks
A group with walks of various lengths from a couple of miles to 12 miles. All welcome to get in touch.
A group with walks of various lengths from a couple of miles to 12 miles. All welcome to get in touch.
Baldock Walks
Phone: 01462 620615 / 01462 632692
Email: baldockwalks@lalg.org.uk
Website: https://lalg.org.uk/baldockwal...

Having a wide choice of groups to pick up an old hobby or start a new one can be a wonderful way to meet new people with a similar interest to you.
We recommend local groups and clubs ranging from chess, bridge, poker, bingo, knitting, to bowls.

Body and Soul
On Tuesdays from 9.45am to 11.15am at Baldock Community Centre, we hold a body and soul group including seated exercises with a qualified instructor, singing for the lungs, exercise games for the brain, a time to chat and have a coffee.

On Tuesdays from 9.45am to 11.15am at Baldock Community Centre, we hold a body and soul group including seated exercises with a qualified instructor, singing for the lungs, exercise games for the brain, a time to chat and have a coffee.
Body and Soul
Baldock Community Centre Simpson Dr
Phone: 01462 896866
Website: https://christchurchbaldock.or...

Mahjong Club
Every fourth Monday of the month at Baldock library from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. All experience levels are welcome. It's free with donations welcome.

Every fourth Monday of the month at Baldock library from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. All experience levels are welcome. It's free with donations welcome.
Mahjong Club
Baldock Library Simpson Drive Baldock Hertfordshire SG7 6DH
Phone: 0300 123 4049
Website: https://www.hertfordshire.gov....

Music & Theatre
Would you like to join an amateur dramatics group or a choir?
Exploring music can be good for the soul. You can join music appreciation classes or join the church choir. Dancing is also a wonderful way to meet new people and have fun.

Singing Aloud
Come and join us and be uplifted by wonderful harmonies to a wide range of song styles, including Pop, traditional, gospel, world music and much more. Everything is taught by ear, and all singing abilities are welcome. Taking place on Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm at the
Town Hall, High Street, Baldock , SG7 6AX

Come and join us and be uplifted by wonderful harmonies to a wide range of song styles, including Pop, traditional, gospel, world music and much more. Everything is taught by ear, and all singing abilities are welcome. Taking place on Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm at the
Town Hall, High Street, Baldock , SG7 6AX
Singing Aloud
Town Hall High Street Baldock SG7 6AX

Baldock Community Orchestra
We rehearse every Thursday evening at the Letchworth Free Church, Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City from 8pm - 9.30pm during term times. We're always on the lookout for more musicians to join us, so come and meet fellow musicians, new friends and join our community orchestra.

We rehearse every Thursday evening at the Letchworth Free Church, Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City from 8pm - 9.30pm during term times. We're always on the lookout for more musicians to join us, so come and meet fellow musicians, new friends and join our community orchestra.
Baldock Community Orchestra
Letchworth Free Church
Norton Way South
Letchworth Garden City
Email: https://www.baldockorchestra.c...
Website: https://www.baldockorchestra.c...