Local Groups in Shortstown
Sometimes a local group is all you need to seek advice, meet new faces, learn a new skill, or simply join in with your community for a sense of belonging.
Our Never Alone programme is designed to provide support for loneliness and other emotional and practical needs plus promote general wellbeing. We have recommendations to local groups who may be able to help you. Finding the right one that meets your needs or interests can be very fulfilling and truly boost your mood.
If you have a local group you would like to add to the listing below, please submit your details via the Google form here.

Friendly, welcoming social groups can be relaxed and informal and offer the chance to chat and build new friendships.
We recommend local social groups and clubs for women and men which provide entertainment, conversation and a range of social activities.

Jigsaw & Lunch
Do you love jigsaws, swapping testimonies, chatting or just listening? This is a flexible group taking place on alternate Thursdays; we’ll be puzzling from 10am-3pm. Come for an hour or stay for lunch.

Do you love jigsaws, swapping testimonies, chatting or just listening? This is a flexible group taking place on alternate Thursdays; we’ll be puzzling from 10am-3pm. Come for an hour or stay for lunch.
Jigsaw & Lunch
King’s House
245 Ampthill Road
Bedford UK
MK42 9AZ

Circuit Men’s Lunch
Circuit Men’s Lunch meets from 12.30pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, generally at the Priory church. Fellowship is shared over lunch which is followed by a speaker and a short act of worship.

Circuit Men’s Lunch meets from 12.30pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, generally at the Priory church. Fellowship is shared over lunch which is followed by a speaker and a short act of worship.
Circuit Men’s Lunch
63 Newnham Avenue Bedford MK41 9QJ

Arts & Crafts
Would you like to get stuck in with an arts project or learn a new craft?
There is so much choice when it comes to arts clubs from painting to pottery making. We can help you find the best group for you.

Have a go at crafts provided at Bedford Central Library or bring your own projects along. Chat to others in the group or work on your own. Taking place every Wednesday from 2pm to 3.30pm and everyone is welcome to come along.

Have a go at crafts provided at Bedford Central Library or bring your own projects along. Chat to others in the group or work on your own. Taking place every Wednesday from 2pm to 3.30pm and everyone is welcome to come along.
Central Library Harpur Street Bedford MK40 1PG
Phone: 01234 718178
Website: https://www.bedford.gov.uk/lib...

Craft Club
Craft Club meets on the first Monday of each month from 7.30pm. No previous skills are needed. Each month a different craft is explored in a relaxed group. There is a charge of £3.50 for the evening.

Craft Club meets on the first Monday of each month from 7.30pm. No previous skills are needed. Each month a different craft is explored in a relaxed group. There is a charge of £3.50 for the evening.
Craft Club
63 Newnham Avenue Bedford MK41 9QJ

Walking is a popular choice both for relaxation and fitness. If you would like to get outside a little more, it can quickly become an enjoyable activity, and there are many groups in your area who would love you to join them for beautiful country walks.

Bedford Rambling Club
We are a small, friendly and sociable walking group who meet on Sunday and Monday mornings for 2-3 hour circular walks around Bedfordshire & the surrounding area. Please see our programme for details of walks and events.

We are a small, friendly and sociable walking group who meet on Sunday and Monday mornings for 2-3 hour circular walks around Bedfordshire & the surrounding area. Please see our programme for details of walks and events.
Bedford Rambling Club

Mindful Walks
Social walking group with a drinks stop afterwards, taking place every Friday from 11am to 12.30pm.

Social walking group with a drinks stop afterwards, taking place every Friday from 11am to 12.30pm.
Mindful Walks
The Higgins Bedford Castle Lane Bedford MK40 3XD
Phone: 01234 718618
Website: https://www.thehigginsbedford....

If you are interested in meeting fellow bookworms, there are reading groups in most towns for friendly discussions and thought-provoking debates. We can help pinpoint the perfect book group for you in your area.

Book Club
The Park Book Club meet regularly at The Pavilion to discuss the month's book. Join us for good food, great coffee, a calming environment, whiling away the time chatting about your favourite character, language craft or plot. Book club now meets on the first Monday of the month starting at 2pm and ending at 4pm.

The Park Book Club meet regularly at The Pavilion to discuss the month's book. Join us for good food, great coffee, a calming environment, whiling away the time chatting about your favourite character, language craft or plot. Book club now meets on the first Monday of the month starting at 2pm and ending at 4pm.
Book Club
The Pavilion Park Avenue Bedford MK41 7SS

Having a wide choice of groups to pick up an old hobby or start a new one can be a wonderful way to meet new people with a similar interest to you.
We recommend local groups and clubs ranging from chess, bridge, poker, bingo, knitting, to bowls.

The Higgins Knitting & Crochet Group
This friendly, informal group meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 11am to 1pm to knit and crochet together. They sometimes work on their own projects, but also knit for charities and events throughout the year. To join the group or for more information email gemma.hutton@bedford.gov.uk

This friendly, informal group meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 11am to 1pm to knit and crochet together. They sometimes work on their own projects, but also knit for charities and events throughout the year. To join the group or for more information email gemma.hutton@bedford.gov.uk
The Higgins Knitting & Crochet Group
The Higgins Bedford Castle Lane Bedford MK40 3XD

Railway Club
Railway Club meets at regular intervals during the year, usually on a Monday evening once a month. Anyone who has an interest in railways, in any form, is welcome to join this friendly group of enthuiasts.

Railway Club meets at regular intervals during the year, usually on a Monday evening once a month. Anyone who has an interest in railways, in any form, is welcome to join this friendly group of enthuiasts.
Railway Club
63 Newnham Avenue Bedford MK41 9QJ

Music & Theatre
Would you like to join an amateur dramatics group or a choir?
Exploring music can be good for the soul. You can join music appreciation classes or join the church choir. Dancing is also a wonderful way to meet new people and have fun.

Community Choir
We welcome singers of all abilities with no auditions and there is no requirement to read music. We sing a wide range of song styles including classic pop, folk songs, world music light classics and musicals from stage and screen.

We welcome singers of all abilities with no auditions and there is no requirement to read music. We sing a wide range of song styles including classic pop, folk songs, world music light classics and musicals from stage and screen.
Community Choir
Phone: 07974 742552
Email: evsutherlandmusic@hotmail.co.uk
Website: https://www.opus18communitycho...