

posted 19/06/2022

For my Daddy, my hero!
With love forever and always
Pickle xx

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Simon Durrance

posted 20/06/2022

So sad to say goodbye to Legend.
RIP Roy.

Sandra Mills

posted 20/06/2022

My wonderful man. You will always be in my heart and mind. You will be with me wherever I go. I will never forget you I will always love you. Thank you for the best 13 years of my life. All my love to you dearest man. Sandra.

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posted 20/06/2022

Missing you, dear Friend

Tim and Rose

posted 20/06/2022

Remembering Roy for all the good times we shared together, always in our thoughts, and will raise a glass of red in your memory. Lots of love Tim and Rose

Sandra and Dave

posted 20/06/2022

Still can’t believe we will never have our chats over the balcony again…Will miss having meals out with you and Sandra which always ended up with a good laugh. We will miss your company rest in peace Roy love from your friends at 15 Harbour Club xx


posted 20/06/2022

Great to have known you -you will be sadly missed by all RIP

David and Sandra

posted 21/06/2022

Thinking of Sandra and all Roy’s family on this sad day.

Frances Robinson

posted 21/06/2022

A good friend to my family for so many years, sadly gone too soon. R.I.P Roy, and thank you.

Ray Blakebrough

posted 21/06/2022

Roy, my walking buddy and good friend. How I miss your friendship, the walks, chat and, laughs. Always with me when I go to Bexhill or Seaford. Rest in Peace.

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Gill @ Keith Moralee

posted 21/06/2022

Happy Memories

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Gill @ Keith Moralee

posted 21/06/2022

Happy memories

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Denise Riches

posted 21/06/2022

Gone far too soon. RIP Roy. xx

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Denise Cremer

posted 21/06/2022

For a lovely caring friend. In my heart always x

Shirley and Dick

posted 21/06/2022

Roy, you will be greatly missed by the gang for your sense of humour, wit, generosity, compassion and wonderful sarcasm. We will never forget the fantastic times we've had together. Our love goes with you.

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Annie and John

posted 23/06/2022

Roy, you will be sadly missed for your warmth and humour. You came into our lives through Sandra and we have had some good times together. Hard to believe these have ended far too soon. Our love and thoughts go to Sandra and Roy’s family at this very sad time. Annie and John

Jim Robinson

posted 23/06/2022

Roy you were a true inspiration to me and Wendy and will always be so. Whether it was a serious conversation or simply some good banter time spent in your company was time well spent.

Paul Cumbers

posted 23/06/2022

Roy, you are loved and respected by many and missed by everyone.
A true gentleman.
All my love and respect

Norma Lynch

posted 24/06/2022

Roy thinking of you and Sandra at this very sad time! I just wish we were more able to have got through to the pair you but sadly was not to be of late! Fly high Roy….. Norma & Allan xx

Lynsey Robinson-Gourley

posted 24/06/2022

Roy was a kind and generous man who will be missed greatly. We had many happy times with him here in Cornwall and we will treasure those memories. Lynsey, Matt, Lucas and Miles

Carla Williams

posted 25/06/2022

I have struggled to put into words what you meant to us. A wonderful kind and funny man who made a perfect partner for Sandra. We loved spending time with them both and it feels like our time has been far too short. RIP Roy x

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Lorraine and Jon Watson

posted 25/06/2022

You were an amazing person with a heart of Gold. You always made us and our boys feel welcome at family events and always were the life and soul. We know you will be sadly missed by everyone that knew you, including by us both. Rest in Peace Roy X


posted 25/06/2022

Thank you for all my amazing memories with you.
Lots of love Gizmo xoxoxo

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Iain Rhodes

posted 04/07/2022

Mr & Mrs will never be the same.
RIP Roy.
Love Pat Iain & Sam