
Bernadette O’Brien

posted 25/10/2023

Rest in peace Neil, with love to Susan and family.

Linda maguire

posted 25/10/2023

Sorry for your loss and our thoughts are with you all . Linda and Declan x

Carol W

posted 25/10/2023

Linda, Sue and all the family
My deepest condolences to the loss of a fine man.
Thinking of you all at this very sad time.

Christine Chapman

posted 26/10/2023

In remembrance of a lovely man, taken too early from this life. Rest in peace and pain-free my friend 💕.

Sally Coyne

posted 26/10/2023

Can not believe you have passed away. You were in the same class as me in school. You did fight well with that horrible disease now your at peace and out of pain

Stuart and Lin Pelling

posted 27/10/2023

RIP Neil,

Sue and Boomer

posted 28/10/2023

Dear Neil left us too early. He has left us with lovely memories of fun times with his quick and daft, unique humour. One of a kind who will be sadly missed.

Robin and Sue Burridge

posted 03/11/2023

Dear Sue and Family,
It was such a shock to hear the sad news of Neil's untimely passing, we would like to pass on our deepest sympathies and condolences on your loss.
He certainly was a decent bloke and will be very much missed.
Love Sue and Robin

Jen Broderick

posted 04/11/2023

Neil my friend . Rest in Peace. You were a wonderful human being and fought so hard with dignity and pride. May God bless all of your family, Sue and Linda especially. Lots of love to you all x

Jennifer Broderixk

posted 04/11/2023

I hope this donation helps others like Neil, who fought so bravely.

Helen and Jackie

posted 11/11/2023

You’re all in our thoughts and prayers right now.
We are both blessed to have so many wonderful memories of our times shared.

Helen and Jackie

posted 11/11/2023

Always in our hearts and prayers

Samantha fincham

posted 12/11/2023

Sending lots of love at this difficult time.
I will remember Neil with fond memories when I joined the family for celebrations at the Nightingale .


posted 21/11/2023

I would like to say thank you to Neil for his love, friendship, his continued support, and above all, thank you for being my friend.

Almost 66 years Neil spent on this earth, where he endeavoured to enjoy all of the natural things this world has to offer.

Sadly Neil’s last journey wasn’t easy, and it’s a credit to Neil’s level-headedness and inner strength, that despite the cruellest of diseases, he continued to be self–effacing.

I have so many happy memories of time well spent with Neil, and a lot to be grateful for during the 17 years we spent together.

Neil is very much loved, treasured, and I will miss him very much.

Wishing you a peaceful onward journey.
May you always rest in peace.
Lots of love,
Christine XXX


kim martin

posted 23/11/2023

Rest in peace Neil, a true gentleman who will be missed.
God bless you.
Sending love to Sue and family at this sad time. Love from Kim xx


posted 25/11/2023

My Darling No 1 I Can't Believe That you are no longer here with me . My life will never be the same. Good Night. Sleep Tight My Baby. Your Heartbroken No 1 💔💔💔💔💔💔

Ex Servicemen's (Dominoes)

posted 25/11/2023

Thank you for everything you did for us. You will be missed massively and will always be in our hearts and memories.

Julie Gibson

posted 26/11/2023

A kind and caring soul who always had a smile on his face and a great sense of humour.. Neil you will be remembered with fondness.