Sometimes life events can result in experiencing feelings that can make us feel off balance and unsettled. For example, following a bereavement, with the mix of emotions experienced, it can become difficult to see a way to move forward positively.

Coping with day-to-day life can be difficult. Our mental health can be affected by constant low mood, feeling worried or anxious, feeling alone or lonely, which can lead to losing interest in life’s activities. Sometimes you may need somewhere to turn to for a little advice and helping hand in making the first step to restore your wellbeing.

Our Never Alone programme is available to all. We are proud of the strong relationships our colleagues build with the families in our care, and we continue to support them well beyond the funeral service, helping them to manage their grief and continue life without their loved one. We welcome all in our community to join us, whether they have experienced a bereavement or not.

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Loneliness is very common and can be a complicated emotion, unique to us all.

Many of us experience feeling disconnected at some point in our lives.

Life changes can often bring about loneliness such as the death of a close family member, or other life changes such as moving to a new area, away from personal connections.

Every day we help support people experiencing social loneliness or those who simply say they are feeling a little alone.


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The experience of grief is unique to every individual.

It almost always brings with it pain and sadness.

The initial sense of shock and emotional turmoil in the early stages of grief is natural. It can be very hard to know hove and when to move on and accept that we will have to live without the person who we loved.

We can help with the unpredictable aspect of grief, and how to help to manage it.


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Prolonged feelings of sadness can turn to depression affecting your daily life.

Unlike grief and its intense sadness, depression can become more serious, impacting your ability to live your usual life, or to go about your daily tasks in a positive manner. Depression can include a range of symptoms, such as crying, feeling low on energy, experiencing feelings of hopelessness.

If you or a loved one is experiencing depression, we can provide information to ensure you find the right help.


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Feeling anxious can be debilitating and difficult to control.

Anxiety can become increasingly prevalent at certain times including when experiencing a bereavement. Symptoms range from a feeling of intermittent or ongoing concern and worry to feeling irritable, unable to concentrate or to fall asleep.

If you are feeling like you can’t cope, or have experienced a panic attack, it can be frightening. We are here to offer help and advice.

Local Advice and Support

Find the advice and support you need from our Never Alone programme

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